Ornamental fish Pellets


Pellets are manufactured using an extruder (high pressure cylinder) through a mixing and heating process under high pressure. By controlling and adjusting the pressure and temperature simultaneously, the desired pellet can be manufactured. Hikari manufacture three different types of pellets - Sponge, Disk and Hard.


 Round shaped expanded pellets are best for Koi, Goldfish and Cichlids. Selected ingredients are heated and kneaded with the extruder under high temperature. During this process the protein and starch bind together to make firm (though soft) pellets, preventing them from dissolving while feeding.


 Expanded pellets with high levels of air inside. When put into water they quickly absorb water and become sponge-like. This elasticity, not common in other foods, makes them desirable to fish that normally eat only live foods.

Disc ( Tablet ),

 Thinly sliced pellets in shaped developed to conform to the normal eating habits of plecostomus, coryodoras and other bottom feeders.


 Hard pellets with very little air inside, designed to maintain their shape and integrity in the water for a long time. Hard pellets are suitable for crayfish and hermit crabs that eat slowly by tearing the food into smaller pieces.
