Platy fish |
This species is endemic to North and Central America and can easily cared with any peaceful species of fish.
There are more than 20 species of platypus, and most of these species are distinguished by their color and shape of their fins.
Although this species is less aggressive, it is slightly more aggressive during the breeding season.
* Things to consider while raising plate fish,
This species requires a water tank of at least 40 liters (40L) or more, ie 1 foot or more. Also the temperature should be maintained between 18C° -26C.Platy fish usually grow to 1.5 - 2.5 inches (1.5 - 2.5 inches) in length, with a lifespan of 03 - 04 years.also, those who the water ph values required for these platy fish to survive should range between 7-8 ph
Also, since these platy fish to eat on their young, you can use aquatic plants (eg, hydrill, fanwort) to protect them from their mother animals if you wish to take care of their young, as well as to keep the young ones separate from the mother animals.
Also, platy fish are susceptible to a variety of diseases (shortness of breath, bloating, flare-ups, skin diseases) due to poor diet and high levels of ammonia and nitrogen in the tank, so it is important to consider the quality of the water. Water quality can be maintained by diluting 1/3 of the water in the tank on average once a week.
* Identify males and females,
These fish are similar to guppies, so the female is larger than the male.Males typically grow to about 1.5 inches (1.5 inches) while females grow to about 2.5 inches (2.5 inches).
The anal fin of the male is oblong and the anal fin of the female is rounded like an oval.
*Fish that can be cooked with platy fish,
- Guppies
- Molly fish
- Zebra fish
- Swordtail fish
- Small Tetra species
* Feeding,
This fish is an omnivorous fish that can feed on both live and vegetarian foods.When you feed not only this fish but any species of fish, it is important to give them good nutrition.